Mary Pemberton's Posts

Milkshake anyone? April was a shambolic mess in Australian politics…
Your monthly wrap in Australian politics
How good was March! Your monthly political wrap
It was even worse than it felt
Morrison’s new $18m ad campaign telling women they’re responsible for policing men’s actions is a dangerous disgrace
How good is gaslighting!
March4Justice has burst onto the scene, but who are they?
“Our politicians are not meeting a standard anyone should find acceptable.”
The sexual assault conviction rate is 0.73%. According to Scott Morrison, that ‘stands up’
From the get go, this Government's response has been designed to reassure men
Is Morrison worried about the fate of Australian liberal democracy or the fate of Australian Liberal’s democracy?
Our judicial system is in no way, shape or form fit for purpose
The Prime Minister no longer has any legitimacy
Every time I think it can’t get any worse it does
Why do we even bother with International Women’s Day?
Women not only get paid less, we now get more of the less
The language of rape
Mr Morrison has not even said the word rape
If Australia was a country that cared about women, this government would be gone
This week the country has had my female back.  But I know this will fade