Trump blames coronavirus testing for positive coronavirus tests

Proving yet again the US President has a callous disregard for human life and an unhealthy obsession with appearing to have regard for human life, Donald Trump today blamed the US’s coronavirus testing for all the positive coronavirus tests.

“If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, actually,” Trump said during a “Fighting for America’s Seniors ” roundtable event.

Similarly, if I don’t open the FINAL NOTICE – OVERDUE envelope stuck to my fridge I don’t actually have a problem to deal with.

Trump made similar remarks last month at a meeting with Governor Reynolds of Iowa.

“The media likes to say we have the most cases, but we do, by far, the most testing. If we did very little testing, we wouldn’t have the most cases. So, in a way, by doing all of this testing, we make ourselves look bad,” he said.

“For instance, they would say we have more than China.  I don’t think so.  We have more than other countries.  I don’t think so.”

The US is currently approaching 2.2 million cases of coronavirus and has passed more than 118,000 deaths, more than twice as many as the next country, Brazil, in both categories.



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