Archive for June, 2020

Government’s “critical” COVIDSafe App hasn’t identified a single case of coronavirus
Pokémon Go get tested instead please
Racist US President retweets supporter shouting “White power” from a fucking golf cart. Seriously.
Fucking golf, man
US government sent nearly $2 billion in coronavirus relief to dead people
Some had died over two years ago!
Convicted racist Andrew Bolt blames “diversity” for Victoria’s COVID-19 spike
Racists gonna racist
Trump cuts funding to coronavirus testing as US reaches two-month infection high
Less testing means fewer cases, as Trump keeps telling us
Lawyers unable to meet and discuss border closures due to border closures
Round and round we go
World’s top-seeded anti-vaxxer gets coronavirus
Gotta wonder if those antibodies will develop
“Herd Immunity” heavy metal festival announced in US State with rising COVID-19 cases
Imagine dying because you went to see an AC/DC tribute band
Albo urges bipartisan approach to ignoring climate change
That's the art of the deal, baby
Tasmanian family business argues taxes are “against God’s will” in court, loses
A bold strategy, for sure