Archive for July, 2020

2020 can’t get worse? The government is now worried about zombies
Of course they are
Trump family endorses beans
I don't fucking know anymore
Pokémon Go home: Victoria Police confirm “catching ’em all” not a reason to leave house
Pik achooooo!
Disney World reopens as Florida shatters coronavirus record: Mickey Mouse craving blood?
Galaxy's Edge is really, really cool though
Ohio politician says “stop getting tested”, implies coronavirus is a conspiracy
Looks like a stock image, too
Florida “church” raided for selling bleach-based “miracle” coronavirus cure
As Marx famously said, "Religion is the bleach-based miracle cure of the people."
San Francisco’s “CAREN act” makes fake racist emergency reports illegal
The CAREN or "Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies" Act
Ayn Rand Institute bailed out by government, irony curve spiking
Atlas Shrugged and said so what
Brazil’s President diagnosed with “hoax”, coronavirus
"To those who criticise me, no problem, carry on criticising as much as you like.”
I “pretended” to be the Victorian Liberal leader on Twitter, said I drink my own “wee wee”, and a bunch of people believed me
Wee wee